
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 Working MultiPlayer Rip (AlterMw3)(PC/2011)

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 Working MultiPlayer Rip (AlterMw3)(PC/2011)

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 Working MultiPlayer Rip (AlterMw3)(PC/2011)
English | Platform: PC | Release: 08 November 2011 | Publisher: Activision | Developer: Sledgehammer Games | 8.92 GB

Genre: FPS
Peoplelove to hate it, but the Call of Duty franchise is successful for areason. No other first-person shooter has the same flair for visualspectacle in its singleplayer campaign, and few can match its utterlyaddictive multiplayer. While Call of Duty games have become formulaic atthis point, as evidenced by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3s muddlednarrative and at times frustrating design, Infinity Ward andSledgehammer Games have refined and polished the Modern Warfareexperience to produce the best of the series with the third installment.
Modern Warfare 3 comes to us by way of an older engine, butstill looks great. Sure, its not among the very best out therenowadays, but it performs well. At any given time the screen appearsready to burst with effects and visual madness. Entire battles are wagedbefore you; buildings burn and crumble while a steady flow ofexplosions batter your senses. This is Call of Duty, and Modern Warfare 3collects these moments of boom in abundance, presenting them in alltheir 60 frames-per-second glory.

Modern Warfare 3ssingleplayer campaign hits many of the same highs and lows as itspredecessors. Amazing setpieces serve as backdrops for giant firefightsyet again. This is no understatement. Few games retain the crazy rollercoaster pace that this does level after level, with brief moments tobreathe set between the next eruption of gunplay. The shooting feelsextremely responsive and well-tuned, and the battlegrounds challengeyour awareness at all times. Youre always given different situationsthat mix-up the gameplay just enough to keep things interesting. Thegame presents a formidable challenge, as always, on the Hardened andVeteran settings � something that the more hardcore players will want todelve into.

Still, Modern Warfare 3s campaign suffers from arun of the mill story and the patented Call of Duty monster closetsyndrome, a common shooter ailment that occurs when infinitely spawningenemies pour from around corners, doors and stairs without end. Atseveral points enemies even appear to completely disregard their ownsafety if it means they can run past your allies and just shoot you inthe face. The story is difficult to follow as usual, and while it doeswrap up the arc begun by the previous Modern Warfare games, it isntultimately all that interesting or satisfying. Moments of emotionalweight fell flat as I found it difficult to muster up feelings ofsadness about the death of one named soldier after witnessing thecountless deaths of hundreds of other Americans.

If singleplayeris good, then Modern Warfare 3s multiplayer is fantastic. Like theother Call of Duty games before it, this entry pulls you in with itspersistent leveling system and frantic combat. All of the sixteen newmaps are fun to play and, with a whole new slew of challenges tocomplete, rewards constantly pop up and keep you hooked with the nextlittle endorphin rush. No matter whether I play for five minutes or fivehours, multiplayer in Modern Warfare 3 always makes me feel like Imaccomplishing something.

Some of the rewards youre constantlyunlocking are killstreaks and perks�series stand-bys�which are a fewgreat examples of how Modern Warfare 3 refines the series. You stillunlock weapons by leveling up, but weapons also have levels as well.Leveling up a gun adds Weapon Proficiencies, which are essentially perksfor your weapon. These proficiencies take things like the hip fireaccuracy perk from the previous games and add it to your weapon unlocks,giving you the ability to focus on other perks when customizing yourclass.

Killstreaks have also been reworked into Strike Packagesto bring a better sense of balance and reward to all types of players.You still unlock abilities in Strike Packages by getting kills, but nowyou can specialize your killstreak rewards so they suit your playstyle.If youre not the type who goes on huge streaks and youre not alwayswatching your kill/death ratio, you can take a Support Strike Package.This package doesnt have rewards that are as offensively-focused as theAssault package, but all kills carry over between spawns. This givesless-skilled players a way to contribute to the fight, and willhopefully give clans and groups ways to better specialize their playersinto a cohesive team unit. Its a great new feature, and showcases howCall of Duty offers one of the most varied multiplayer shooterexperiences around.

The controls feel as good as ever, and thatsame sense of exhilaration and speed that comes from a great round ofmultiplayer still exists. Like past Call of Duty games, occasionalmoments where one team totally dominates the other due to Assault StrikePackage rewards still happen, but overall this remains a slightannoyance when weighed against the rest of the multiplayer package.

Newmodes like Kill Confirmed also help keep things from feeling like justmore of the same. While lone-wolf players still have Team Deathmatchfree-for-all and numerous other older modes, Kill Confirmed changes howthe game plays, encouraging team work in ways Modern Warfare didntpreviously offer. In this mode, everyone drops a dog tag when theyreslain. To get points, you have to not only kill the person, but alsocollect their tag (you can deny kills by collecting the tags of yourallies before the enemy does). The results in an entirely new dynamic,where players must coordinate, play as a team, and attempt to use thedog tags as lures for enemy players.

Combine Kill Confirmed withmodes like Team Defender (where each team attempts to hold onto oneflag for as long as they can), new private match modes (which you cantweak and customize yourself), as well as many returning favorites, andyou have a multiplayer experience you can play for months�if notyears�on end. The sixteen maps already span a wide array of settings.And with new modes and the need to switch up loadouts you have anextremely dynamic multiplayer suite. An especially tactics-focusedplayer can sink hours of time into creating classes for specific gametypes, devising battle plans for specific maps, and developing sportslike plays for their team.

On top of the single andmultiplayer campaigns, extra time can be sunk into the cooperative SpecOps mode. This mission mode from the previous Modern Warfare returnswith a whole new set of stages that challenge you in a variety of ways.For instance, you might have to quickly take over a plane, while inanother mission youll be tasked with disarming chemical weapons orsilently getting past a large number of enemies. Additionally theres aSurvival Mode, where two players try to survive against endless waves ofincreasingly difficult enemies. Its not exactly original (or zombies),but its a game type that works well in Call of Duty, and can be playedover and over again if you care about getting to the top of thoseoh-so-precious leaderboards.

The menus and interface of ModernWarfare 3 on the PC are basically the same � though at launch Eliteisnt active. Elite is a service offered by Activision that keeps trackof an array of stats, allowing you to compare yourself to other playersand see your progress on heat maps. If you pay for the premium services,you also get access to exclusive video content, additional storagespace for videos and screenshots, clan support and more. Granted, PCplayers have been doing things like making clan pages and using otherwebsites to organize and trade info for years now, but the lack of anofficial centralized hub is disappointing. Elite should make its way tothe platform at some point in the future, but for now PC players justdont have access to all the same information as their consolecounterparts. That being said, I also dont think its something youdmiss if youve never tried it, and overall Modern Warfare 3s PCgameplay is every bit as exhilarating. Combine this with the speed andprecision of mouse-and-keyboard controls and you have a crazy,fast-paced title that PC shooter fans shouldnt pass on.
Despiteits flaws, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 takes the fantastic seriesweve come to love over the years and iterates on it with great success.The multiplayer is hands-down the best it has ever been, with morefeatures, more modes and a ton of new levels. The singleplayer campaignand Spec Ops mode add value to the overall package, creating somethingthat may not be perfect, but is too damn addicting to pass up.

Instructions to PLay :

1) Launch altermw3.exe
2) Login with your *OWN* alterIW login and pass
3) HAVE FUN playing xD
4) PLay Fair do not cheat ..


Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 Working MultiPlayer Rip (AlterMw3)(PC/2011)
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 Working MultiPlayer Rip (AlterMw3)(PC/2011)



http://ul.to/4uwm2o16/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part10.rar
http://ul.to/ydsnlf3y/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part09.rar
http://ul.to/e79ijl1v/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part08.rar
http://ul.to/g9pogv7k/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part07.rar
http://ul.to/chcq53ah/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part06.rar
http://ul.to/gmdzr3yf/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part05.rar
http://ul.to/me5wy80p/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part04.rar
http://ul.to/a10lh8xi/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part03.rar
http://ul.to/l7cm5dwy/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part02.rar
http://ul.to/02n0ke6b/Call of Duty- Modern Warfare 3 MP RIP.part01.rar

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